- Gary Ostrow, PA: Lawyer in Ft. Lauderdale Florida - Practice Areas - Criminal Defense Attorney Criminal Defense Attorney Gary S. Ostrow has unparalleled criminal trial experience and has achieved much success (...) Sex Crimes Defense Experienced sexual assault and child sex offense lawyer. Violent Crimes Defense If you are being investigated or arrested for committing a violent crime, seek an experienced criminal lawyer. DUI Defense Protect your driving privileges, criminal record, and freedom. Get a DUI lawyer that has exceptional experience! Civil Rights Cases Have you been a victim of police brutality, false arrest, or excessive force? You may have a case! Domestic Violence Defense You may be able to have your charges dropped, avoid jail time, or receive an alternative such as counseling or (...) Drug Crimes If you have been charged with a drug crime, you need the assistance of an informed and aggressive attorney. Traffic Ticket Defense We advise people never to pay their tickets. You don’t have to pay the ticket or go to court. Murder Defense If you've been arrested or indicted or are under investigation for murder or homicide, it is extremely important (...) YOUR PROBLEMS - OUR CARE YOU CAN CONTACT GARY OSTROW DIRECTLY Write now